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Working Towards a Brighter Future

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South Sudanese Girls Empowerment Front is a 501-C-3 organization that provides STEM program services to local South Sudanese young girls, aging from elementary to high school .The mentoring ships started in 2018 by offing free STEM summer programs to local SS girls in the middle Tennessee area.

We are the first generation of most immigrant refugees, our parent were displaced by war that lasted 23 years between north and south Sudan. Growing up in poverty and the war-torn country of South Sudan, there was no such thing as planning for the future, let alone college for many others girls. Chances of evening finishing high school were very slim due to a high rate of girls getting married at an early age, war, and the lack of resources.

For those given reasons, the illiteracy rate in our community for the girls and women is high, and so as the chance of getting a job in this group. Most of our parents never had the opportunity to go to school and if one did, it was probably the male figure. This created a big cap between the women and men in our community educationally and as well as workforce, (statistics data will later be presented).

Furthermore, we are fortuned enough to be one of the few in our community who got the opportunity to be educated. We are humble and grateful, and we wanted to give back to our community by empowering our young girls to achieve and excel in their educational goals ESPECIALLY in STEM field.



SSGEF believes STEM mentorship is the forefront and the driving force to the success of our girls in the diaspora and eventually back home, in South Sudan.


South Sudanese Girls Empowerment Front is a 501-C-3 organization that provides STEM program services to local South Sudanese young girls, aging from elementary to high school. The purpose of, SSGEF is to mentor and encourage young south Sudanese girls to development an interested in the Field of Sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics- (STEM).

his will allow them the financial freedoms which in return gives them a freedom of speaking their mind, stand up to child marriages, staying in abusive marriages due to lack and fear of financial security. Most SSGEF girls are first generation to have educational opportunities in their family, this makes what we do dear and near to our hearts.

Giving them the support and encouragement they require to achieve their educational and career goals makes a huge different. This is a support they currently don't have at home; and as a professional scientist, we know from my experiences that professionals achieve their career goals through mentoring ship, networking and recognition. We want to provide professional development to these girls and connect them to opportunities to advance themselves so they can later become leaders in our community and advance other girls behind them. 



Girls and young women, ages 10-18, in Middle Tennessee area, and extended our influence to reach back home to unfortunate girls.


Our values represent SSEGF- (I)nequality, (R)esiliency, (P)erseverance, and (O)pportunistic

Resiliency: Poverty and the war-torn country of South Sudan

Perseverance: When presented with obstacles, we stay the course by building each other up and creating loving communities of support

Opportunistic- We see our challenges and struggles as opportunity’s to growth and use struggles as tools to move us forward to our greatness

Gender inequality: to be financially free experienced gender inequality, but in Africa, it’s a bit worse. Though all these issues are reducing, there is a significant amount of women and girls who are still struggling with poverty issues and lack of opportunities to show their potentials. Girls getting married at an early age

Model: School-Based Model. Coordination and provision of all services, programs, and activities occur through partnerships with schools, research facilities. Mentoring ships services might be provided at schools or community central or churches during set time schedules.



" have a vision and passion be courageous, focused and disciplined."  Monica Musonda


 Get in touch today and start breaking the cycle with us



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